Be sure you are writing for your customers, not just for search engines. Be cognizant of keywords and seo best-practices but write content that your audience will enjoy.

1. When planning out your post aim for a topic that can be covered in 500-1,000 words. Longer posts do very well for SEO purposes but if you bore your reader it will defeat the purpose.

2. When writing try to incorporate your primary theme and secondary keywords as about 1-2% of the text. In a 500-word article, they should be used a total of 4-8 times.
a. Try not to overdo the number of keywords in a single paragraph but spread them throughout the post, using variations on the primary theme.

3. Consider natural internal linking while writing your content. Are there pages that would be helpful to the user?

4. Write simply and succinctly. You don’t have to go overboard on ‘dumbing it down’ but be sure that language is appropriate for your audience. When you’re writing a sentence think about whether or not that is how someone who would find your content interesting would type it into a search engine.

5. Create sub-headlines and section off the content into smaller portions than you would when writing offline. Online readers love to scan and your sub-headlines are their table of contents. Picture them scrolling on their phone – these sub-headlines should grab their attention as they browse.

6. End with a call to action. Based on the content and theme there should be consumer intent related to this topic (when the theme was brainstormed). While this can also occur within the content, those who reach the end have likely enjoyed the article. This is the time to now drive them elsewhere. An online experience should never dead-end.
a. Should they leave comments or respond in some way to your content?
b. Should they now be ready to purchase them item(s) they’ve read about?
c. Does it make sense to link to another, related topic that may also interest them?

Once your content is written, it is time to optimize your content’s on-page attributes for SEO.